Scholarship Applications

Schedule 2020

  • June 15— Written Applications posted online
  • June 22 — Last day for mentor support request
  • July 3 — Deadline to contact mentors
  • July 20 —Application Deadline
  • August 17 – Awards Announcement
  • Presentation at Homecoming Brunch


To be eligible for this scholarship a member must:

  • Be an undergraduate members of the Palmer Society with declared Active status for Spring 2020 and Fall 2020.

Note: Study Abroad Students (semester prior to applying and/or semester of the award) are eligible provided all other good standing criteria are met.

  • Comply with the definition of “Good Standing” defined in Section III of the Palmer Alumnae Endowed Scholarship Standards and Definitions.
  • Have a graduation date no sooner than Fall 2020
  • Have completed at least one full semester of service as an Active member. Members pledging in Spring 2020 are not yet eligible.

Application Evaluation

Applicants will be evaluated based on society engagement and how they model and promote the Values and Ideals of the Palmer Society in a written application as outlined in the Palmer Alumnae Endowed Scholarship Standards and Definitions.


Values and Ideals Assessment
Primary Consideration. Includes: Personal Statement, Short answer. This section of the application aims to assess how an applicant models and promotes the Palmer Society Values and Ideals.

Answers should convey a sense of who the applicant is as a person, as well as a Palmer Society member. Being a Palmer Society member is a unique experience for each individual. There is no one formula for success and there are many ways to live up to Palmer Society Values and Ideals while fulfilling one’s Society stewardship.

Engagement is given no more than 20% consideration in award determination. Includes membership status, committee participation, and leadership roles. Overall application shall convey that the applicant is meeting all expectations for Palmer Society members as defined in the Standards and Definitions

Mentoring and Application Support


The Palmer Alumnae Endowed Scholarship Fund award amount in scholarship(s) for the Fall 2020 semester is $7,762.29.

Award winners will be determined primarily on merit; however, financial need and hardship can be taken under consideration provided applicants of comparable merit are still recognized. Multiple awards are an encouraged goal and the total number of awards will depend on the spending amount available. The minimum award should be $1,500, with the total of all awards adding up to the maximum endowment spend that given year.

Award amounts should reflect the quality of the applicant as determined through the process and higher amounts may be provided to those with obvious financial need or hardship.

All recipients will serve as ambassadors for Palmer Alumnae Endowed Scholarships and are encouraged to promote the Scholarship through alumnae and active outreach.

All Scholarship Documents

Link to Online Application Form
