Mission & Values of Palmer Society

The Palmer Society mission is to promote and to develop aesthetic appreciation amongst its members in an effort to attain to the highest ideals of womanhood. We believe the foundation of womanhood are the core values of friendship, loyalty, and sincerity.

  • Friendship reflects the respect we feel for one another and the diversity of our sisterhood. It includes a commitment to work together in a spirit of cooperation and to do our fair share in carrying out our stewardship of the Palmer Society.
  • Loyalty underlies our commitment to stand for what is fair as well as in the best interests of our community, Whittier College, the Palmer Society, and each other.
  • Sincerity is truth and honesty in both our actions and in how we express ourselves, our individual beliefs and our ideals while respecting the diversity of our sisterhood and of our world community.

These values to which we adhere guide us daily and toward our highest ideals. These ideals are expressed in a fourfold motto of friendship, service, loyalty, and scholarship and will help lead us to a fulfilling life.

  • The friendship that we nurture means to go “out of one’s self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another”— helping each sister become the best person she is truly meant to be.
  • Life is a cherished gift to be honored through Service. A Palmer member strives to give of herself freely through service to our community, to Whittier College, to the Palmer Society, and to each other.
  • Loyalty– For a full life, a Palmer should be loyal to the things in which she has put her trust— her school, her country, her society, and her beliefs. She should be loyal to her friends, and to those she loves.
  • Scholarship is the pursuit for truth that will continue throughout our lives. Excellence, curiosity and problem solving are part of our lives in as much as we know as long as we breathe we always have more to learn.

These shared values along with the ideals to which we aspire guide us in our stewardship of the Palmer Society and define our Palmer Sisterhood— a Sisterhood which we carry with us always and will last our lifetimes and beyond.
